Sweetwater Kayaks Logo
Web Sites:   www.SweetwaterKayaks.com    &    www.BigDsKayaking.com
To receive an email newsletter, add your address on the Newsletter or Calendar tabs on our web site.

Current Happenings

9 Public Paddling Trips In March
7 Public Classes in March
4 SPECIAL Events in March
And Camping, Too!

Special Events

Zydeco Festival
Cajun Zydeco Crawfish Festival
TGIF Evening Paddle During The Festival and . . .
Sunday Morning Paddle Before The Festival (fee includes admission)

Ocala National Forest Car Camping
Camping Friday and/or Saturday with Tours on Saturday and Sunday

Silver River Kayaking
Silver River
Great Paddle and Special Entertainment

Demo Day

Demo Day & Shop Information

  • Date:      Saturday, Mar 7
  • Time:     10:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • Location:  Gandy Beach, SW side, by the mangroves

Join us on the water to ‘try before you buy’ the kayaks you are interested in.

Featuring: The entire Eddyline Kayak line.
We'll also have some P&H, Valley and NDK kayaks on hand.

If you can't make it to Demo Day call for an appointment.

Weedon rentals weekdays at 9:30 with the last rental at 2 pm weather permitting.

The shop is temporarily closed, but we are still doing business as a full service retailer, rental operation, tours and training facility.

E-mail us at Russell@www.sweetwaterkayaks.com or call 727-570-4844 for all the details!

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Tour and Class News

Lunches are back! And, minimums are gone.
And more . . .

Big D's Kayaking (that's Don who has been with Sweetwater for over 5 years) is providing our day tours and most of our training. And, when Big D's provides the tours and training there will be some new guidelines. (Yuck! That sounds so formal.)

All day tours will again have lunch provided.
Night tours will have snacks.
And, for the first time, all advanced classes will have lunch provided.

And, and, and . . . there are no minimum group sizes.  If you pay to be part of a Big D tour or class, you can count on it happening, unless the weather gods say we should change it.  If it is safe to go, we will.  You can count on it.

Tour and Class descriptions below contain a link to location information on Live Search Maps from Microsoft. The links take you to our list of put-ins. I haven't figured out how to make the link go to exactly the meeting place. But, you will find a number, for example Live Search #40.  The meeting locations are both:
 - shown on a map on the right side of the page, and
 - in a list on the left. 
If you scroll down the list to the number referenced and click on it, you'll see where we are meeting.  You can also get driving directions to get you there.

And, we are testing Google Checkout on our web sites so you will be able to pay for many tours online.


Big D Mrs. D
  Big D                    Mrs D

Day Tours

Provided By:
 Big Ds Logo
Click for Maps and More

Bishop Harbor @ High Tide
  • Date: Wednesday, Feb 25
  • Times:      Meet at 9:30am
    Paddle at 10:00am
    Done by 4:00pm
  • Meet at:  Bishop Harbor Boat Ramp
                       (Live Search #7)
                     about 10 miles from the Skyway Bridge.
  • Fee: $25 with your own kayak
     $55 with kayak rental
  • Lunch: Provided

Hooray!  The tide is supposed to be good for us this day.  This is a very shallow, extremely tidally dependant estuary.  If the forecast is correct, we should have smooth sailing as we paddle in our search for adventure mixed with tranquility and good fellowship.  Big D's great lunch doesn't hurt any either.   

RSVP (727) 403-7046      Back to Happenings

Not High Tide in Bishop Harbor
Not High Tide

Crystal River and a Manatee

Crystal River
Paddle with the Manatees
  • Date: Sun, Mar 1
  • Times:      Meet at 9:30am
    Paddle at 10:00am
    Done by 4:00pm
  • Meet at:  Hunter Spring Park
                       (Live Search Maps #20)
  • Lunch: Provided

We will put in at Hunter Spring Park and paddle to Three Sisters Springs and plan to see lots of manatees there.  Then we will head back to the park for lunch.  After lunch we can search other locations for manatee or head for our favorite grass canals for a totally different and unique paddling experience.        

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Hillsborough River Downhill
Sergeant's to Trout Creek

Join Don for this mostly shaded, downstream adventure. These sections are Don’s second favorite place to paddle in all of Florida. The shorelines offer many varieties of splendid beauty: palms amid the hardwood trees, dark trunks and limbs against many shades of green, cypress knees growing together reminiscent of villages of gnomes. Mixed into this beauty is an amazing closeness to wildlife. And then there are the turns with a fallen tree to entice paddlers to make their kayaks elegantly dance on through. What a great trip! We will start with a shuttle from Sergeant Park to Trout Creek Park. Then we’ll return to paddle from Sergeant to Morris Bridge Park and serve our 3 course lunch, and then proceed to Trout Creek, which includes watermelon opened as only Don does it. Be a part of this great day on the water.

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Homosassa River
Paddle with the Manatees

Here's another chance to paddle among the gentle giants of our local waters. This is probably the last Big D manatee paddle before the "snow mammals" leave us and return to their summer homes. As the water temperature of the Gulf of Mexico goes above 70˚ they will depart, no longer needing the warm spring waters to survive. 

This is one of our shorter tours. So if you want to finish with lots of energy left, have the possibility of a great manatee bonus, and then some fellowship at a local restaurant, join us for this fun paddle. Back to Happenings

TGIF - Zydeco Festival
Paddle During The Festival - Coffee Pot Bayou to The Pier Zydeco Crawfish/Creole/Music Festival

This festival is 2 1/2 days of Zydeco music, dancing, and Cajun food (10,000 lbs. of crawfish). Whether you are a seasoned Cajun or completely new (like the Ds) you'll certainly enjoy this festival.

We'll be paddling along the shoreline right past the festival.  If the conditions permit, we may just hang out near shore for a bit (backgroundwater music by Frech Rockin' Boogie). We'll have snacks at Spa Beach, then paddle back.

We usually have salad and pizza at this venue. Anyone know where we can get some Cajun food for our snacks?

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Zydeco Crawfish/Creole/Music Festtival Zydeco Festival
Paddle Before The Zydeco Festival Starts -
Sunday Morning

This festival is 2 1/2 days of Zydeco music, dancing, and Cajun food (10,000 lbs. of crawfish). Whether you are a seasoned Cajun or completely new (like the Ds) you'll certainly enjoy this festival.

Today we paddle, then dance.  Some folks attending the festival asked us to have a paddle in the morning before the festival opened.  This is it.

Here's the plan.  We'll paddle from North Shore Pool to Coffee Pot Bayou and back.  We may continue around the Pier and back.  Then we'll go to the festival (admission is included in the tour price).

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 Weedon Island Preserve


Join Sweetwater's in-house Marine Biologist, David Camp, (with the Florida Marine Research Institute for 30 years) on a guided kayak tour through the enchanting mangrove forest. You will get the insider view of this incredible ecosystem of mangroves, crabs, oysters and other marine life. You will also encounter the amazing array of birds that reside there.

This tour is designed for those who have little or no experience kayaking. The kayaks are wide and stable.

RSVP (727) 570-4844      Back to Happenings

Ocala National Forest Car Camping

We haven't finalized plans yet.  We are shooting for the group camping area of Silver River State Park.  However, if it is going to be overrun by "yutes" (see My Cousin Vinny), we plan to go to the camp ground at Gore's Landing.  Either way we don't expect electricity nor water on our camp site.

BYOF - Pot Luck dinner on Saturday.  Big Ds will bring Big Dogs, Big Burgers, and Big Fixins.  Bring something to share.  We also need an extra grill or two.

RSVP (727) 403-7046      Back to Happenings


Silver River   -  Paddle with Mickey & The Ds

You won't want to miss this paddle. Joining our tour is a wonderfully entertaining naturalist, historian, and educator. He grew up and still lives nearby. Subjects we've heard him cover include:

If you want to kayak on a beautiful, clear, spring fed river and enjoy nature, join us on this tour. If you want to be entertained and educated about the river, join us and paddle near Mickey.

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Juniper Springs Downhill
Don loves this place - beautiful, intimate, and a bit tricky

This is the second day of our planned camping weekend. Juniper Springs Run starts incredibly beautiful, narrow, and twisty. It gets rave reviews every time we do it.  You'll also enjoy the drive through the national forest. 

Like Rainbow River anything commonly thrown away is prohibited from the river.  So, no food in store packaging.  Only water bottles meant to be refilled.  We have about a dozen water bottles.  If you don't have your own, borrow one of ours.

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Book your own private tour

Special rates are available for both guided and unguided trips at the venue of your choice.

For Day Tours - Call Big D's at 727/403-7046 or send us a message at .

For Everglades Trips - Call Russell at 727/570-4844 or send him a message to Russell@www.SweetwaterKayaks.com.

                                Back to Happenings

Many paddlers find they have more fun if they take our 3 hour FUNdamentals Class first. More information . . .

Your trip will be more fun if you bring:

All tours will happen unless dangerous weather stops us.  No group is too small.

Kayak Classes

Provided By:
 Big Ds Logo
Click for Maps and More

Kayak FUNdamentals Class


 - Saturday, February 28,

     1:00pm, Ft DeSoto Shelter 9
      (Live Search Maps #45)  - Sat, Mar 7,
     10:00am, Gandy Beach
      (next to Demo Day)
      (Live Search Maps #16)
 - Sat, Mar 14,
     1:00pm, Gandy Beach
      (Live Search Maps #16)

             REGISTER at (727) 403-7046
                       Back to Happenings

Weekdays Classes Are Available
Meet one half hour before your class starts. Fee includes kayak, paddle, and PFD. Semi-Private Classes – up to six students
  Get started in this class designed with the beginner in mind. Learn to launch your boat, basic paddle strokes and safety tips. And, we will have fun, too. The class is up to three hours long.

More information . . .

Beyond FUNdamentals
(Alias step 2 of the Flatwater Curriculum)

Take your skills to the next level. We'll sharpen the skills you bring, and add new skills in this, the second step in our flat-water skills curriculum.

Course details . . .
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Rolling Clinics

This class is tailored to your needs.  First time roller – this is for you.  Refining an existing roll – this is for you.  Want to learn an off-side roll – this is for you.  Individual hourly sessions will be scheduled on this day. Back to Happenings
REGISTER at (727) 403-7046

Sit-On-Top FUNdamentals Class

Get started with the basics in S-O-T kayaking. Learn to launch your boat, get out & in your boat in deep water, basic paddle strokes and safety tips And, we will have fun, too. The class is about three hours long.

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Great Fun In A Sit-On-Top Kayak

Private Coaching

  • Fee: $65 per hour up to two paddlers
  • (3 hour minimum)
  • Call to set up your session

Russell @ (727) 570-4844 
for Sea Kayak, Surf Kayak, or Canoe


Don @ (727) 403-7046
for Sea Kayak, Surf Kayak, or Rolling

                            Back to Happenings

Class Information

Kayak classes at Sweetwater Kayaks and Big D's Kayaking are taught by trained and certified (American Canoe Association and British Canoe Union) coaches. Many classes are taught at Snug Harbor, centrally located in the Tampa Bay area. Others are taught at various venues including Ft DeSoto.

Our classes are kept small to ensure quality and safety. Most classes have one coach for every four students. And, no class size is too small.  If Big D schedules it, it will happen, unless dangerous weather is forecasted.  So call today so you can become a better paddler.

Rentals and More . . .

Weekends at Weedon Island Preserve
Self-Guided Tours Leave at 9:00 am & 12:30 pm
Rates Hourly Half Day
One Person Kayak $17.00 $40.00
Two Person Kayak $25.00 $56.00

Bring a Cell Phone and a Watch!

Go directly to Weedon Island Preserve
Near the Cultural and Natural History Center

Sit-On-Top and Fishing Kayaks are available, and should to be reserved in advance.

Check the TIDES! Or, call 727/570-4844.

Hourly rentals are for walk-ups only
Between 9:15 to 12:00 and 12:45 to 3:00

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Weekdays at Weedon Island Preserve
9:30 am with the last rental at 2 pm - weather permitting.
Rates Hrly Half Day Full Day
One Person Kayak N/A $40.00 $80.00
Two Person Kayak N/A $56.00 $112.00

Bring a Cell Phone and a Watch!

You'll receive better service if you will call us in advance.

Check the TIDES! Or, call 727/570-4844.

No hourly rentals on weekdays.

Call for details for private trips at other destinations.

The 2nd Annual
IR Vacation to Hell

The Baffin to Ellesmere Challenge

Sweetwater, winners of the 2nd Annual IR Vacation to Hell, document their adventure from beginning to end!

Check Out Their Blog.
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Keunggulan Situs Togel dengan Customer Service 24 Jam yang Responsif

Layanan pelanggan yang responsif adalah salah satu ciri utama Situs Togel Terpercaya. Dengan customer service 24 jam, pemain bisa mendapatkan bantuan kapan saja jika mengalami kendala. Daftar Akun Togel Resmi profesional selalu menyediakan berbagai metode komunikasi, mulai dari live chat, WhatsApp, hingga email. Dengan adanya dukungan tim yang ramah dan cepat tanggap, pengalaman bermain togel online menjadi lebih nyaman. Link Togel yang selalu aktif juga membantu pemain tetap terhubung dengan layanan tanpa hambatan.

Related Link